Alive Inside
1) Sleepless
No stranger to sleepless nights, this song touches on a number of incessant thoughts that swim in, out and around the ol’ noggin as I’m trying to turn in for the night. My family, my love life, other rather existential topics about which I’m not sure I’ll ever have a definitive thought; a never ending curiosity for an endless night.
2) Grounded
Remembering who we are as individuals can be a bit difficult at times of hardship, or even after a nice long stretch of peace. We need life’s challenges to help us keep sharp and conscious of ourselves. Never forget how bad you really smell up close. We’ve all got stinky crevices.
3) Young
How foolish can we get before we learn to stop in the name of love? Being played like a fiddle and seeing through pretty rose colored goggles seems like something we all go through when we’re young. Unfortunately, its a lesson some of us learn only when seeing clearly becomes a necessity means of survival. Oh, the games we play!
4) Dumb
Yet another ode to the inexperienced, this song expresses the experience of someone on the verge of letting go of a player-type. Its been a while and there wasn’t much going on at home anyway. It’ll be fun….right? The relationship takes a karmic turn when he gets stood up yet again. He drives home while listening to “Young” on the radio pretending to know the lyrics, yet totally getting the vibe.
5) Talk
When its time to have “that talk” with your partner, your head might get tight with heat, heart might beat fast and all sorts of doubt can flood your mind as you mow over whether or not you’re making for proper discussion. This is the feeling of the music behind the lyrics of a severed relationship. It is written from the perspective of someone who is learning to love and respect themselves.
6) Sleep
This song is written by me and sung by Josephine, my German violin. She is 74 years old and sings like a bird. I only wish I could play her better and give her a new audience everyday and a new case to rest in. Maybe in a few albums we’ll talk about all that.